Storytellers Forge Studios
4 months ago

Project Update: We still ride! Midweek update!

Hey everyone!

So, it's taken me a bit to figure out what to post for a midweek update. Storytellers Forge is still riding, and some of us are picking up shields. We will continue to bring badass music and fantasy fiction. The world is understandably feeling like a gigantic ball of chaos, but we've still got our obligations as creatives.

To showcase the next book, author C.D. Corrigan and Eldritch Editor Courteney Penney have worked with Brian Fitzpatrick to provide the perfect synopsis for To Slay A God. You can watch that below.

I know our campaign is coming to an end soon, and we will start sharing cover art later on in December. All books are officially through the editing phase and now 100% ready for publication. Next week, during the final campaign push, we will have more substantial updates.

This week, just find something to enjoy.

-Rick, Court, Pat, C.D., Chris, Brian, and Crystal.






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