William C. Tracy
3 months ago

Project Update: Over $8500. So close to funding!

Hi Folks!

Thanks so much everyone for the past few days, and hello to the new backers! We're getting so close to the finding goal, so please keep sharing with everyone you know who wants more queer books!

We've also got another funding goal coming up: At $10,000, I'm going to show off some martial arts skills with our new copy editor, Courtney Brooks! Both of us are black belts in Wado-Ryu Karate. We're going to film some different things: maybe a few katas, some sparring, and I'll also share the stretching routing I put together for my nonfiction book last year, How To Operate Your Body. The next one is included in this campaign, focusing on the arms, so if you get tight shoulders from working on the computer too much like I do, pick up a copy!

I've also got another recommendation for you. If you live with an artist or creator, or you are one yourself, Check out Sandra Tayler's campaign for Structuring Life to Support Creativity. I've attended her workshops before, and I'm very much looking forward to the book (I backed it the first day)! See the campaign here!

That's it for now! I'll see you at $10,000!


When we reach $10,000 on the campaign, We'll release a new video with demonstrations of martial arts by William C. Tracy and Courtney Brooks (our new copy editor)!
Goal: $10,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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