William C. Tracy
2 months ago

Project Update: Less than $1000 to go!

We had a lot of great movement over the weekend, and blasted through the $10,000 milestone! I'll have the martial arts video to you hopefully tonight or tomorrow morning (my fellow practitioners had a beach trip already planned over the weekend).

In the meantime, here's the link to the stretching routine from the first How To Operate Your Body book. It's a great way to destress after a long workday (or a monthlong crowdfunding campaign...)

One more exciting piece of news! We have the preliminary cover for Space Station X! There was a lot of goings-on the background to make sure this cover hit right, and we originally wanted to have it a couple weeks ago, but I think this version really captures the feel of the book! This isn't the final, and there will be a few more small changes, but it's almost complete!

Next update, I'll have even more covers for you: the final versions of Foxfire in the Snow, and Oceans of Fireflies, and I hope to also show off the cover for my new book, Physical Magic, before the end of the campaign!

Lots going on in these last days, so please keep sharing with friends and family, and let's take this over the finish line!

William Tracy





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