Megan Caza
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Fluffy Bugs Unlocked & Exploring Mechanic!!

Campaign Updates

Less than twenty-four hours since the last update and we have made great progress. We have unlocked our second set - Fluffy Bugs. That's five more pins now available!!

The Fluffy Bugs set is loosely based off our Feathered Wings & Moth Fluff traits in our game. Because of this, some of the pin colorations took inspiration from winged animals in real life.

Below is a Snoozeling with the color Birdseed. This color is based from pidgeons and was perfect inspiration to do a pidgeon colored pin as part of the Fluffy Bugs Set.

Birdseed Snoozeling & Matching Fluffy Bugs Pin Design

Game Feature - Exploring Mechanic

When not farming, exploring is another activity for your snoozelings to do.

Each snoozeling can explore once every two hours. When exploring, your snoozeling can find up to five items. As they level up their exploring skill, the chances to find more items increases.

There are currently three areas to explore: Snoozeling Ranch, Wistful Woods, and Dazzling Coast.

Each of these locations has a wide variety of items for your snoozeling to find. Though there are items that can be found at all locations like seeds for farming, coins for shopping, and keys for opening chests.

Most of these items are used for crafting. Feathers are important for crafting Pet Beds for your snoozeling - you'll need one bed per snoozeling you're keeping. Tree sap and honey is needed for making glue for stickers. Then there are rare items that can be used to make snoozeling upgrades like bug wings and lizard tails.

The most rare item when exploring are Sewing Kits. With this very special item, you can ask Minky - the sewing shop snoozeling - to sew you a brand new snoozeling to love and enjoy.

Below are a bunch of items that can be found when exploring.

16 votes • Final results





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