Megan Caza
4 days ago

Project Update: A Brief Update

Hi everyone!

I wanted to post a brief update for when to expect the backerkit surveys.

Right after the campaign, I ended up getting sick. While I tried to do my best to provide updates on the Snoozelings Discord server, I was pretty much bedbound.

When I finally thought I was beginning to improve, I got hit with a really bad rebound respitory infection that made it really difficult to breathe and would send me into coughing fits for long lengths of time. As I already have asthma, this was NOT GOOD. I went to see my doctor Saturday and she put me on antibiotics.

Since then I have slowly been recovering. I only just felt good enough to sit at my computer again today but it'll likely be a few days until you see a major Backerkit update about post campaign surveys. This takes time for me to do as I want to make sure everything is done properly.

Thank you for your patience. 

~Slothie <3





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