1 day ago

Project Update: So many legs...

Hi again!

On our previous update we showed some of the cool centipedes' heads. Now is time to have a look at the playing cards and dive on the main mechanic of the game: adding legs to the Centipedes.

All Centipede cards have two halves, and at least one of those halves is always a body part. These parts have different number of legs on them. Body parts with 1 or 2 legs are quite common, but 4 and above are more rare... The core of the game is finding a way to play these cards to help you score the Centipede, while hoping that your rivals do not have the right value cards to complete it before you.

Let's see an example on a two player game. On your turn, you pick a card from your hand to play, and you play it with whatever half you want facing up, next to the Centipede head or another Centipede piece:

On the example above, the Centipede needs 12 legs to be completed, and you decided to add there a body part with 4 legs. The Centipede now needs 8 more legs to be completed. The bottom half of the card is ignored. Now is the turn of your opponent:

Your opponent could have added 6 legs (there is only one of those in the deck!), but that would have made the Centipede easy to complete by you (body parts with 1 or 2 legs are the most common!). So they played it with the 2 legs side up. Also, as you can see, you can mix different centipede styles without issue, so the centipedes may end up looking pretty funny.

So, your opponent is now probably smirking at you, thinking how they are forcing you to play some card that gets them closer to victory... But they do not know that you have indeed an even better Ace under your sleeve...

An X2 multiplier! This special Centipede piece, instead of adding more cards to the Centipede, multiplies the value of the full Centipede before it by 2. The Centipede now has exactly 12 legs ( (4+2)x2 ). You won!

If you are competing for a Special Centipede head, you need to focus on the correct style, as other pieces won't count. For example this Centipede needs three pieces of "Emo" style, that at least have 6 legs between them:

Three body problem parts, 7 legs, easy!

You may have realized by now that these cards look a bit different to what can be seen on other posts. These are closer to the final art we are going for, instead of the prototypes we have in some of our videos. If you like these, or you have any feedback for us, leave us a comment! We also have a poll regarding the art style, please vote on it. Your opinion really matters to us!

You can also help us by promoting the game on Facebook, we even have an achievement for that that you can check below.

We hope you enjoyed this update. On the next one we will talk about some of the special effects that you can find in the deck...

Thanks for reading and supporting us!
7 votes
If the project is shared at least 100 times through facebook, we will add new expressions to the basic Head cards, so they will all look different! This will be unlocked for every backer.
Goal: 2 / 100
We need 98 more to reach this goal.
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