3 months ago

Project Update: UPDATE #9! GRIMM STRETCH GOAL #2 UNLOCKED! New Solo Game Add-On! Tales from the Lore Dumpster #4! Some Livestream I guess!

Yeehaw! Stretch Goal News!

Thanks to all of you, we ANNIHILATED the second stretch goal!  Which means that we're getting a monster supplement, including one by Brian Colin of Vast Grimm!

Next up is $8000 for the third stretch goal: the random character generator for the website!  Stuart Gorman is pretty keen on getting that rolling if we can support the dog shelter.

And after that it's looking like the fourth goal at $9000 will be including the Mission Generator; I may need to donate more money to Stuart's dogs to get an automated version on the website as well.

Fear not, intrepid Guest Creator Monster fans, your status as 2nd place in the survey means that I'm going to have that as the $10,000 stretch goal #5, but give me a bit to find a creator that I can chain to a desk until a monster is created.

Blood on the Bleak Road (aka Enter the Dismal Armory 2)

I... really would be surprised if anyone had completed the final room of my Dark Fort-alike, Enter the Dismal Armory, yet (feel free to crow about it in the comments if you have), but even if you haven't, you can still enjoy Blood on the Bleak Road, 12+ page a cross-country vehicle combat extravaganza into which you can bring any surviving Dismal Armory character or a freshly created one using six new History results and a host of new vehicle combat options.  Blood on the Bleak Road requires Enter the Dismal Armory to play, but, fortunately, you can download it for free on Itch.io or get the physical version as an add-on to this campaign (if you haven't already)!  It will also be available for download on Itch once the layout and art are done.

New Last Call Livestream!

Let's shoot for a 7:7 timeslot; July 7th, that is, at 1 PM Central US time.  

Tales from the Lore Dumpster Achievement Unlocked!

Crushed it!

That didn't take long... let's make it a little more challenging, just for the sake of my carpel tunnel.  350 sounds like a good number!  Anyway, enjoy Lore Dumpster #4 in the Backers-only section!
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
If we get to 305 backers, I will accrue enough miserable radiation to release Tales from the Lore Dumpster #4!
Goal: 305 backers reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
If we hit 350 backers, I'll do Tales from the Lore Dumpster #5!
Goal: 350 backers reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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