Latest from the Creator
10 days ago
Wasteland Degenerates JCE Post Campaign #4: Survey Results!
Hey Degenerates, I'm happy to say that 92% of backers have now filled out their surveys, but I'm going to hold off locking in orders for a bit longer because some of the remain...
22 days ago
Wasteland Degenerates JCE Post Campaign #3: Surveys sent and Pre-Order Store Open!
Hey Degenerates, I got responses from 73% of the smoke test, and there was nothing too crazy going on, so I released all the surveys into the wild.  Please check out the survey...
24 days ago
Wasteland Degenerates JCE Post Campaign #2: Smoke Test Sent!
Hey Degenerates, Sorry it's been a while since I rapped at ya, but it's taken me a bit to wrap my head around the surveys, and it's given Matthew a chance to get rolling on th...
about 1 month ago
Wasteland Degenerates JCE Post Campaign #1: Surveys near completion... CARNAGE Ensues!
Hey Degenerates, Cards have been charged and most of the transactions went through.  After taking some much-needed downtime after the campaign, I have been working on the sur...
about 2 months ago
WE DID IT! Wasteland Degenerates: Jumper Cable Edition will be coming to you!
THANK YOU, DEGENERATES! When we started the campaign, it was speculated that I might not make the $750 necessary to print the zines, much less pay for the remaining spreads' ar...
about 2 months ago
STRETCH GOAL #5 & FINAL HOURS BEGIN: Livestream the Unstable Cataclysm tonight at 5 PM Central!
Hey, Degenerates, It's the final day of the campaign, and your last chance to buy in on the Wasteland Degenerates Jumper Cable Edition if you haven't yet!  We'll be having our ...
10 days ago

Project Update: Wasteland Degenerates JCE Post Campaign #4: Survey Results!

Hey Degenerates,

I'm happy to say that 92% of backers have now filled out their surveys, but I'm going to hold off locking in orders for a bit longer because some of the remaining 8% are on the retail tier, and I want to give them enough time to get around to it, because I now know that running a business is complicated and time consuming!

I thought I fixed them all, but one digital Early Bird backer was still getting charged for shipping because of the reward poster, and I fixed that by making the poster digital.  Definitely reach out to me if you feel like you're getting charged shipping incorrectly.

One thing that has gotten some attention is the survey question about the upcoming hardcover campaign, and I wanted to pull back the curtain on the current results of that question:
VERY promising results!

My calculator says that almost 60% of you want the hardcover, which is an incredible show of confidence that I am incredibly grateful for.  As for the remainders, the 35% that would like to buy the remaining core rules have convinced me to add a new tier to the upcoming campaign: the Dead Battery Edition, a zine, similarly sized to the JCE, that has all of the GM-facing information, the remaining monsters, the cataclysms, factions, odds and ends, and  introductory adventure.  This will be a main option on the crowdfunding campaign that will be less than half the cost of the hardcover core book.  In fact, the JCE and the DBE together will still be less expensive than the hardcover... they just won't look as good on your shelf.

I'd also like to eventually release the intro adventure, Reaver's Rhapsody, separately for free on my Itch page. 

As for the 25 folks who don't want any more Wasteland Degenerates content after getting their zine... well, I look forward to earning their business again. :)

I've fielded some questions about why we're doing the hardcover core book as the next project, instead of letting the zine breathe and releasing some smaller supplements to expand the brand.  Well, the main answer is that my vision was always for the big ol' hardcover and I just want to get it out there into your sweaty wastelander hands.  But on top of that, the next supplement, Asphalt Dirge, is already almost half written and builds on stuff that's only in the core book.  If we can get the full product out to everyone by sometime in convention season 2025, we'll be cooking with guzzeline.

The pre-order store is still open, and we've had a number of orders so far.  Anyone who missed the campaign can still pick up copies until it is time to lock orders for delivery.

Anyway, Matthew is still hard at work cranking out pages weekly.  I'll leave you with a ubiquitous and important page from any Mork Borg-affiliated work, COMBAT.
What is it good for?

Matthew says he'd like to work on the road combat pages next, and who am I to blow against the wind?

Catch you later like a military surplus grenade!

user avatar image for Dracomicron




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22 days ago

Project Update: Wasteland Degenerates JCE Post Campaign #3: Surveys sent and Pre-Order Store Open!

Hey Degenerates,

I got responses from 73% of the smoke test, and there was nothing too crazy going on, so I released all the surveys into the wild.  Please check out the survey questions... I am very interested to hear about people's opinion on the future of Wasteland Degenerates!

In addition, I've opened the pre-order store, so folks who missed the campaign can now buy the zine and add-ons individually.

Note to EU purchasers: The shipping rules for shipping from the US to the EU are hideously complex, so if you happen to notice a drastic discrepancy with your costs, let me know and we can look into it.

Right now we're looking at shipping for late October, since the campaign did so well and funded so many extra pages.  Even now, Matthew is working on new pages and fixing stuff I forgot to add in the first place.  For my part, I've taken into account playtest data (thanks, Flintwyrm!) and made some major overhauls to the highway combat system to make it flow better and be more true to Mörk Borg's essence.

I'm excited and a little terrified to be moving into this new phase of self-publishing.  I want to thank you all for your great support and kind words along the way.



PS - if you haven't already, go click on the "Notify me on launch" button for CHAINSAW by Matthew Myslinski, the very artist for Wasteland Degenerates!  He's worked super hard on this project and it's going to be the definitive horror movie Mörk Borg, in my humble opinion!
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24 days ago

Project Update: Wasteland Degenerates JCE Post Campaign #2: Smoke Test Sent!

Hey Degenerates,

Sorry it's been a while since I rapped at ya, but it's taken me a bit to wrap my head around the surveys, and it's given Matthew a chance to get rolling on the new pages.   After discussing layout and remaining pages, Matthew has advised me that we can likely go to print in late October.  I know this is later than we initially expected, but we also funded 16 pages of extra content.  While this was originally going to be a separate 16 page booklet, we decided that it didn't make sense to release a separate zine, so now it's going to be a 76 page zine instead of a 64 page zine, and you're also getting a handy-dandy quick reference rule card.

Anyway, I've sent the smoke test to a selection of backers and we'll work through any tricky issues or errors with the survey before it gets sent to the rest of you.  Already identified one weird interaction that I'm going to fix, tonight hopefully.

Speaking of new pages, here's part of the Job Board, just for fun:
Now you, too, can be like Janet from Marketing
In other news, I emailed copies of Blood on the Bleak Road to those that ordered the physical edition.  Look for an email from [email protected] and let me know if there's a problem with your files.  You'll also get the files after you complete your surveys.

That's all I have for now.  Thank you for your patience, and please know that we're working to get your goodies to you as soon as possible!

May I see you on the road eternal!
user avatar image for Dracomicron




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Loving The Dismal Armoury (UK spelling) and yesterday was a breakthrough!!! After putting 18 Degenerates into The Armoury (with at least 10 of them not surviving their first combat), I have at last managed to get a Degenerate Biker who has so far survived 6 rooms (currently resting in the Security Checkpoint) and has defeated 5 enemies (An Eisenclave Merc; Postal Berserker; Spreader Zombie; Skraebeast and the Zygodominus). - Hopefully The Dice Gods will continue smiling on me (a rare occurrance) and I'll continue the adventure tomorrow. I seem to roll only enemies as occupants (only 1 Survivor whom I failed to influence anyway) and no empty rooms!!!! - Just one questions if I may Scott? Was your intention that initiative is rolled only once at the start of a combat or rolled every round of combat? I've played it both ways and prefer to roll initiative at the start of each round of combat as it makes it even more exciting, but would like to know what your intention was/is? - Anyways, loving the game, hopefully my Biker will survice and move onto Blood on the Bleak Road, thanks for the game, great fun. Cheers Steve





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Will backers who purchased Blood on the Bleak Road physical add-on also be getting a PDF version as well?

user avatar image for Dracomicron




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