3 months ago

Project Update: 280 Backers Unlocked! Tales from the Lore Dumpster #3!

Hey Degenerates, looks like we hit that 280 backer goal, so I'm including Lore Dumpster #3 in the Backer-only content section for this update!

We've got about 10 days to go, and still three announced stretch goals to unlock:

Brian Colin of Vast Grimm creates a cosmic horror for a monster add-on at $7000.  Just under $600 to go there!

Stuart Gorman creates an online character generator at $8000.

And... a third stretch goal that we still have a few days to determine (but Mission Generator appears to be in the lead) at $9000!

Oh yes, and keep your eyes on the road: The sequel to my solo game set in the Wasteland Degenerates universe, Enter the Dismal Armory, is just around the corner.  Watch for Blood on the Bleak Road, an epic cross-country highway murder-venture, on my Itch page!

Next installment at... let's say 305 backers, so tell your friends!  And... go!
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
If we get to 305 backers, I will accrue enough miserable radiation to release Tales from the Lore Dumpster #4!
Goal: 305 backers reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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