about 1 month ago

Project Update: Small Update - Bold Rainbow Mini Preview, Backer Survey Coming

A lot of transactions are still processing/fixed and the funds are still moving through Stripe to get to my account, but in the meantimeeee

Just a lil show of the embroidery on the Bold Rainbow Dragon's face and Behind the Scenes work to show off here~~

The Backer Surveys are going under review ASAP and then they'll be sent out, latest date, on the 7th once the full BackerKit team are back in office and able to make sure everything on the boring backend if 100% so that no mistakes are made en masse.  

That would be :') Frustrating :') but the boring backend stuff is what makes a smooth Backer Survey/Pledge Manager experience for you all so I appreciate the patience in the meantime as the dusts clears for us.

Also, have a cleaned up rasterization of the filigree pattern of the Gold Dragon to prepare for vectorization that an embroidery machine will use on the final fabric of the Gold Dragon :)




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