Leah - Weighted Wonders Staff
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Wittle Guy! Production Update! New Logo?? Shout Outs!

The first prototype of the Wittles showed up at my house to say hello and they're perfect!

The other color variants of the Wittles have already been put into production, but now that I've mentioned production, a reminder that there is a PAUSE in prototyping and actual production that was quite literally just submitted a few days ago for LUNAR NEW YEAR vacation.

This is a two week vacation that is standard time off for fair labor certified factories (of which ours is) in China.

When their employees return to work, they will immediately begin production of the dragons in earnest once more as well as finalize the prototypes not yet given the sign off (eg. the final fix on the Warmables, the color variants of Wittles, and the Weighted Gold dragon). 

Things are still on schedule and, potentially, Wittles might be finished before Warmables and Weighted based on an estimated timeline I was given, which could potentially mean orders with JUST a Wittle would be sent out sooner rather than later, as we aim to fulfill as soon as product is in hand no matter the order in which they arrive to start chipping away at the large order number anyway we can. But that ceases to be seen and is just me spitballing.


The lovely ThornWolf, who designed our original Weighted Wildlife logo, gave us a cool update for all that is mythological and mythical in our Weighted Wonders line, which will eventually also include things like gryphons, dinosaurs, new dragons, and more!  I love how it turned out and hope you do too :D

Also, as I have some friends with some campaigns of their own going right now, I thought I'd give them a nice~~~~

 ðŸ“£ 📣 📣 📣 📣📣📣📣 📣SHOUT OUT!!! 📣 📣 📣 📣 📣 📣📣📣📣

Lost and Found! by Saba Illustration featuring the cutest lil cryptid plush keychains you ever did see!  With cool stretch goals like Jersey Devil and Werewolf, I love how these all came out and you should snatch one of your own!!

Wolf Pup & Friends Plush Toys! by Naomi Romero, the creator of Anxiety Fox, brings a new line of plush that are cuter than cute and super soft! Go check 'em out!

Last, but not least, Snug-Alongs Plush Backpacks: Series 2 by Little Softs, back with a cool DRAGON backpack, which I thought was apt to include, as well as other additions to their popular plush backpack line!!!

That's all for now!

Leah has gotten her own account on BackerKit and will now be answering a bulk majority of comments and/or referring people to BackerKit Support should there be something beyond her purview!  
user avatar image for Leah - Weighted Wonders Staff





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