Rina Amaranthine
3 months ago

Project Update: We See You, We Hear You, And We Are Here

Waiting is painful, not as painful as stubbing your toe, but it’s up there.

Welcome, to Night Vale.

Hello citizens! We come today bearing updates aplenty-

First, we’re bringing you news of the pledge manager. Our smoke screen was a success and the fire we used only burned down a few rows of invisible corn. That means that you’ll get an email with a survey asking for you to confirm very personal information, such as whether you want the game or not.

These surveys will be open from today until December 5th but we recommend filling it out as soon as possible before its existence is wiped from your mind.

We also wanted to answer a few questions that we’ve seen floating around and tossed through our windows on rocks.

What if I Can't Locate my Pledge Manager Survey?- Not to worry! If you aren't seeing your survey in your email inbox, use this recovery link to request a new one.https://welcome-to-night-vale.backerkit.com/

Digital Fulfillment- We finally have confirmation that the temporal displacement of releasing the digital products early will not affect the existing timeline. That means that digital rewards will be fulfilled in April, approximately one month before the physical game will be delivered. You will receive a webstore code to redeem your digital items at www.renegadegamestudios.com via the email address you used to pledge. We’ll issue a reminder update in April and will be happy to answer any questions about that when the time comes!

Teacup StrexPets-
Adoption Alert! Now that the campaign has finished we can randomly choose 5 of our backers to adopt these little orbs. Keep an eye on your inboxes as we’ll be emailing the winners in the next week or so.

Final Poll Numbers-
If you recall (or if you don’t) three of the stretch goals involved your audience input. Those polls have closed and we’re excited to announce the winning options here!

Story Hook 1
Which episodes would you want to see incorporated?
| Episode 2: Glow Cloud | Episode 13: A story About You | Episode 26: Faceless Old Woman 
Story Hook 2 
Which Night Vale locations would you want to see incorporated?
| Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex | Museum of Forbidden Technologies | THE BROWN STONE SPIRE 
Story Hook 3
Which characters would you want to see incorporated?
 | Erika/ The Angels | John Peters (You know, the farmer?) | Steve Carlsberg 

That’s all we’ve got right now, citizens. Thank you for all your support and make sure you get that...survey thing filled out...before we all forget.
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