Reforged RPG
28 days ago

Project Update: Reforged RPG Post Campaign Update 4

Thank you all for completing your backer Survey through the your Pledge Manager.  We had over 80% of you complete it on time. Do not worry if you missed your Survey, you can still make changes to your shipping address through your Pledge Manager.

As of now your orders have been Locked.  If you want to make changes to your order please reach out to us through your Pledge Manager. You should see a charge for shipping process sometime today. 

Now we can take Final Order Counts and place the Craft Order for the Leather Bindings for the Limited Editions and the Final Print Order for all the Hardcovers. We are very excited!

Our team has been busy putting the final touches on the Reforged Character Conversion Guide, the Reforged Apotheosis Pathwalker Guide, and the Beta version of the Reforged Character Creation App.  All of them are coming along nicely. More updates to follow!





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