Reforged RPG
2 months ago

Project Update: Reforged RPG Post Campaign Update 8

Thank you all for completing your backer Survey through the your Pledge Manager.

Only 4 backers have yet to complete their shipping info. We resent their surveys to them this morning. Please if you have NOT finished your Survey take a moment to complete it! Completion of your Survey will prevent order fulfillment delay's!

Leather Bindings for the Limited Edition Tome of Rules are here and await the printing of the hardcover!!! Special thanks again to Alexander of MyLeatherCompany for making these exceptional.

Last week we met with our publisher and ordered all the Hardcovers. Then our publisher hit us with our first major unforeseen challenge. The publisher somehow "lost" our manuscript and then changed some of the parameters they use for printing. So our team rallied to the battle cry and worked on getting a new manuscript together as fast as we could. With the buff spell "deadline mode" activated we were able to get a new manuscript to the publisher. We are happy to report that they have printed and shipped a test proof of the hardcover! I am waiting for the delivery now. With fingers and toes crossed and some holiday miracle magic we might get the hardcovers printed and shipped by the end of the month.   

Simultaneously, our team has been busy putting the final touches on the Reforged Character Conversion Guide (this one is done!), the Reforged Apotheosis Pathwalker Guide (this one is done!), and the Beta version of the Reforged Character Creation App (Final expansions to the Creature/Object Codex were completed last night!!!). These will be ready for release very soon!

Once we get all the digital assets completed and all physical assets are ready to ship; you will be able to download all the digital assets directly through the Backerkit site. More updates to follow!

Thank you all for your patience and enthusiasm. Your positive comments, passion for the game and well wishes really do make a difference. From our team to you and yours we look forward to a joyful close to a successful 2024.

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