Reforged RPG
3 months ago

Project Update: Reforged RPG Post Campaign Update 5

Thank you all for completing your backer Survey through the your Pledge Manager.  We have currently 87% of surveys complete. You should see your order has been Locked so we can take Final Order Counts. When your order has been locked and your survey is finished, you should have seen a charge for shipping costs if you ordered any physical assets from the campaign. There are still a few backers who have yet to be charged for shipping please check your emails if there were any card errors.    

Please if you have NOT finished your Survey take a moment to complete it! We are getting close to putting orders together.

We are very excited to announce that we have received notice that all of the Leather Bindings for the Limited Edition Tome of Rules have been crafted and they are on their way to us! (See pic below)

Our team has been busy putting the final touches on the Reforged Character Conversion Guide (This one is done!), the Reforged Apotheosis Pathwalker Guide, and the Beta version of the Reforged Character Creation App.  All of them are coming along nicely. 

Once we get all the digital assets completed and all physical assets are ready to ship; you will be able to download all the digital assets directly through the Backerkit site. More updates to follow!

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