Publishing Goblin
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Our Final Numbers

Hello tarot folks! And welcome to our The Campaign Is Over Update! Woo!

We ended with $155,006 and 1903 backers! We broke the funding held by the project's 2nd edition deck on both counts, and that's awesome. Let's take a look at our final numbers.

  • The original 1st edition, black and white decks: 693 claimed. We'll print 800.
  • The 2nd edition, in Gold Foil: 959 claimed. We'll print 1150.
  • The 2nd edition, in Silver Foil: 831 claimed. We'll print 1000.
  • The all-new, full color 3rd edition: 1347 claimed. We'll print 1500.
  • The updated Guidebook for all decks: 2310 claimed. We'll print 2950.

At this time, I'm not looking to overprint too many extra decks. The biggest part of this was funding the creation of the 3rd edition and some reprinting of the older ones for conventions and general sales. Because these decks are not-limited to one-time-printings like the Alleyman stuff has been, we can always print more in the future as people are interested!

Also these numbers can change due to pre-orders, or wholesale interest, or any other reason!

From the whirlwind of the Wandering Tiers, that messy final hour included, we saw 74 1st edition decks find a home, 108 Gold 2nd Edition decks head out the door, 125 Silver 2nd Edition decks fly into the night, and 67 of the third editions sneak into people's carts. And then there were like, 16 community copies and 61 sets of tarot stickers and 33 art print sets and 185 guides and-- okay, maybe I was going a bit wild yesterday! Those $8 deck tiers with guidebooks were a financial loss, so it's a good thing that final hour wasn't a bit more attended. : P

Community Copies

Community Copies are now locked up, sort of. When I put pre-orders up, and send out surveys, y'all can still add some more community copies to the pool, but we actually did really good at this!

Y'all unlocked 98 Community Copies! And I added 20 on top, so that's almost 120. Let's just add the two and make it 120 even! And with 129 people signed up, that's almost everyone. I think as pre-orders open and people nab a few on the side, we'll just about cover everyone signed up before we go to shipping. And that's amazing. Thank you all!

The Next Steps

I am still in computer hell. I need access to my SSD with all my work files and art and documents from my work computer, so I have a SSD->USB connector on the way. When it's in hand Monday, I will be able to get work into the post-campaign pledge manager here on Backerkit and get our surveys and pre-orders moving.

For the actual decks though, I'll be able to sit down with the guidebook and update with the new art as it comes in. At this time, Ezra is finished with the Major Arcana, Winter and Spring suits, and has a few cards down in Summer. Once Summer is done, then it's Autumn and the two Jokers, the Masterless Knight and Nameless Goddess. As I noted in stream last night, we should be heading to print fairly quickly overall, as the guidebook is just some small updates and a new forward from the Caretaker, and the other decks are all just reprints of the old print files. I'll keep you all up to date in monthly updates as always with my campaigns to let you know our schedule.

But it should look something like: End of April, the guidebook and all print files for the old decks and boxes are done. mid-May, Ezra is done with work, and print files are consolidated for that. June, we begin manufacturing. Mid-July, we look at shipping costs after taking addresses. September/October we ship.

The Hot Housewives Tarot

Now, as of this moment, the above link doesn't work. It's being approved by Kickstarter. But when it is, you'll be able to sign up to be notified of its launch here!

In the stream for the final hour, I shared that the Hot Housewives Tarot will be my next project. Once print files for the Normal Tarot are over to the manufacturer, I go back to having nothing to do! And June is my birthday, so I wondered... what if I did a weird project?

So in June, I'll be launching the early-bird Hot Housewives Tarot project on Kickstarter. Backers will be able to grab the full-foil deck and guidebook for just $35! Then, over the course of the campaign and for the 10 or so months thereafter, you'll join me on a journey through the updates as I research our topics: The Occult symbology of Tarot, and the American Exceptionalism Myth that finds its home in the nuclear family of the 50s. You'll join me as I create a language of symbolism for the deck, and design the cards, and write the guidebook, with weekly updates of the process. And because you'll be there for the ride, you can pop in and make suggestions, question my choices, and push the project further.

Then when the deck is assembled (or nearly), we'll do the official Launch Campaign with a second Kickstarter next year. People who back on that campaign will be paying full price, $50 for the deck and guidebook. And any add-ons we develop on the way to that project, or during it, will be available at full-price for them, but early-bird price for you on the Pledge Manager. Then we'll grab shipping from everyone and ship everyone's things all at once.

If you loved the Queen of Bombs from the Alleyman's, join me in reimagining it and its context into a full deck. And who knows, if the funding goes well enough, we may have a second Alleyman card find its home...

The Pins!

Speaking of, the Alleyman Pinset is still live here on Backerkit right this moment! And new pins are being added as we speak, so go check it out if you're of enamel-pin-mind!

And in October, for my game lovers, don't forget Confluence will be happening right here on Backerkit! ZOETROPE and WHAT WE POSSESS will be in people's hands well before then, so I'm hoping anyone following along with my games will be hyped and ready for Confluence!

Alright friends, that's all for now!
your pub gob
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