Publishing Goblin
5 days ago

Project Update: The February Update & Timeline! | Ajurea Ahead!

Hello Ajureans,

It's Seven here, coming to tell you about what's ahead! For Publishing Goblin, it's actually quite a busy year.

The Goblin's Journey enamel pin and plush project was cancelled, relaunched, and has finished funding.
The HISTORIC: The Road Eternal project goes live March 13th to fund a new game in a box, like ZOETROPE and WHAT WE POSSESS, a grimdark dungeon delver on cards made for one-shots and short campaigns.
The Oracle Dice's 3rd edition is May 1st! It will also feature a small story game you can play with the dice.
The Goblin's Tarot, a deck that explores the Publishing Goblin's journey through our Confluence world of Ajurea, launches in July.
And there is an unannounced (now announced?) comic project about Ajurea for September!
And then also, also a project for October or November for a short story collection mostly of stories from my patreon (edited and revised), but a few new ones thrown in for fun.

What a whole thing, huh?

But that's not all, of course. Because here on Confluence, we're going to be heading to manufacturing in August. August!! But let's go one step at a time here.

What Have We Done?

From Laya, our project lead:
  • Swirling Sea in the Atlas has updates written, heading into edits.
  • The Inland update will be done by next week AND we are adding a brand new Area in the western section of Motley Coast!
  • We have 3 of the 10 entries of 10 Things To Do In... Complete (Rockwater Isles, Gravity Isles, and the Color Dome) and are working on 4 more as we speak!
  • We've taken feedback on Lineages and are giving all 20 new treatment, with more actionable information.  Can you believe we have 20 lineages for you to play?? That's so many!
  • NPC portraits for those who got them are almost all done, and special ephemera for people adding those have been reached out to/that's happening right now!
 on the Mechanics Side
  • Calibration is going to layout, so almost all done.
  • The Confluence Guide to the Living Archive (main rulebook) is almost complete. In this, we have changed a lot of the language to be more intuitive, changed some of the central rolling mechanics to include the whole table, up'ed the use of Tokens to be more impactful, and yet again changed Wounds.
  • We've taken a lot of comments on Proficiencies (what we used to call Facets) and are updating them now. They are more integrated with our core mechanics. But don't worry, for those who loved the magic and tech, those haven't lost their individual flair.
  • The Thread Deck (what used to be called the Focus Deck) has its first round going to Layout next week
 ... and Module Guest Writers have started their projects!!! We've got mushrooms, midnight trains, and underground adventures!

That's a lot that's happened since December, and we have a lot ahead of us. So what all does that mean?

What is the Timeline?

  • Physical Copies: to the printer by August 17th. This means we are likely completed on that manufacturing of all items by around the end of September. Then we would move things to fulfillment center in October, and mid-late October and on we would begin shipping things out. For US/Canada/Mexico, we could see items arriving overseas around the end of November/start of December. For Rest of World, they would be coming straight from China and arriving likely a little sooner than North America.
    • This of course is also dependent on tariffs. We may have to shift manufacturing to another country depending on the dick measuring contest the US govt is engaging in. We will see!
  • Digital Copies: of the main Books (Atlas, Sujatha's Guide, Confluence Guide to the Living Archive, The Catalog of Lists, So You Want To Build It?, and Calibration) will go out at the end of August, meaning the game will be available to everyone around then/start of September digitally.
  • All Extra Digital Material: Comic, Smoll Inn Reviews, Modules/Adventures (including the Module Adventure Book, Fatebound's final Act, and Jay Dragon's adventure), will go out the end of September.
  • Any "Touched" Items: will come when they come. It is likely this will be in January/February of 2026. This is because they have to get to our team members, THEN head out into the world from there. 

We are well on our way to completion, and I myself am stepping in to run a game here soon for people and diving in a bit deeper on the editing front. The game is looking incredible, we're so ready to have the final work completed here and get it into the world yet this year even if it's digitally at first then physically just at the end of the year. 

For now, this means sit tight, my friends. We are getting all our final work wrapped, touchups here, edits there, and last art to slide in. Then of course, so much of the work lies with Cris, our amazing layout artist. As we get the final versions of things in hand, we will share a few pages here and there. 

See you in March!
your pub gob





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