Polyhedral Earth Society
4 days ago

Project Update: Artist Spotlight: (Carlos Castilho)

We want to help promote our artists to our backers and follower community.  Our dream with these post is someone somewhere is inspired to create art. 

Today we feature Carlos Castilho his art is featured in the Pickpocket Deck. 

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This native of Brazil has an awesome style of art and it screams OSR to us. We hope to work with him more in the near future.
  • How long have you been an artist?
    •   "I'm Brazilian, born in Encruzilhada do Sul, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul" 
  • Where do you live now?
    •   " Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil "  
  • Where do you live now?
    •   " I worked as a tattoo artist for about 4 years and have worked with illustration for 5 years  " 
  • Who or what was your biggest influence to learn to create art?
    •    "  My biggest influence for creating art is RPG. I learn a lot by leafing through the oldest D&D books by studying the artists of the first generation.
  • What keeps you motivated to draw?
    •   " The RPG! I become more motivated and inspired to create things with each game session. I want to convey my vision of fantasy with my illustrations. "
  • What was the coolest thing you ever created?
    •  " I don't know if I have a favorite project as I've had the good fortune to work on a lot of cool projects. But I really like my dwarves hahahaha "
  • What is your favorite artist and why? 
    •  "  I really like several of them, but Peter Mullen is my favorite.
  • Any social media links you might have to help get your name out. 
    •   "  @crawlstilho (facebook, instagram, twitter and reddit)  " 

Now I want a dwarf tattoo by him! 


Are you an artist? Want to work with us ? Send an email to  [email protected] with a link to your works and we will contact you back. 

Thanks gamer family !
-Synica Melton




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