Polyhedral Earth Society
16 days ago

Project Update: Artist Spotlight (Ricardo de Gaspar)

We want to help promote our artists to our backers and follower community. We asked them a series of questions, hoping to inspire new artists to create more and offer the community a peek into who we are. 

Today we feature Ricardo de Gaspar a native of  Rio de Janeiro. 

We loved his detailed line work and unique style that captures the essence of the content we aim to produce.  
  • Where are you from?
    •   "I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil." 
  • Where do you live now?
    •   "Still currently living in Rio!" 
  • How long have you been an artist?
    •  "I've been drawing since my early childhood, around 8 or 9 years old! But I have only started doing it professionally since early 2021." 
  • Who or what was your biggest influence to learn to create art?
    •    "My biggest artistic influences in art are Gustave Doré, Takato Yamamoto, Kentaro Miura, Erol Otus, Mike Mignola, and Gerald Brom (to name a few)." 
  • What keeps you motivated to draw?
    •  "Hmm... I would say my main motivation for drawing is honestly self-improvement and, in many ways, therapy. When I start working on something, I like to dive deep into it and block out everything else around my workspace." 
  • What was the coolest thing you ever created?
    •  "I'd say a fairly recent drawing I made depicts an adventurer holding up a lit torch, opening a tomb to reveal the skeletal remains of a noble king or hero covered in webs! If I had to choose one of my drawings that best defines what I enjoy working on, that would probably be it." 
  • What is your favorite artist and why? 
    •  "As for my favorite artist, that's an extremely tough question to answer. There are just too many great artists whom I consider god-like in their craft! But if I had to choose one, I would probably go with Gustave Doré. No other artist can master the vision of portraying both the Holy and the Profane with such great contrast and drama in his works." 
  • Any social media links you might have to help get your name out. 





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