Pillow Cube
5 months ago

Project Update: Update #2: $60k & Founder's Walkthrough


Let's slice and dice!

  • $60k. Wowzers.
  • Founder's "Iteration" Walkthrough Video.
  • CADs are on their way.

$60k. Wowzers.

Woo woo! We not only raised WELL above our goal, but enough to fulfill all orders and cover our first purchase order! The next part is the exciting one!

It's getting all of our ducks in order, setting up manufacturing and tooling and beginning to produce Combo Cube Ices en masse!

As we get progress photos from our factories, we'll be sure to include them in upcoming updates!

Founder's "Iteration" Walkthrough Video.

We're uploading this now into the Campaign feed but if you'd like to watch this now, simply click below to watch a short video of the founder (Jay) going through the different iterations until we've come to our current version of Combo Cube :)

CAD files are on their way.
Yep... that's pretty much it. CADs are on their way. We have several CAD drawings ready to share but are holding off until we have provisional patents in hand.

The reason being: the idea is pretty revolutionary and it's another concept we feel will disrupt the pillow industry... again.

So... stay tuned for more on this as well.

As always, we appreciate your support in helping us optimize people's sleep.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] and we’ll help out however needed :)

Stay dreamy,





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