about 1 year ago

Project Update: New Update - Character Sheets

Hey everyone,

Apologies for the delay on uploading the character sheets. I uploaded them this morning and sent out notifications. I hope you are all enjoying your copies of Tomb of the Undead King. We've had some great feedback from a few people and we always love to hear your thoughts on our adventures.

Gizcog's Wandering Emporium Update

This one is still in layout and will likely be fulfilled this time next week. It has been a fun one to work on. Gizcog and Krispy are two rather beloved characters in Penny Dragon land. Krispy is actually inspired by a stuffed toy that has been with me for a very long time and was dubbed the rather unfortunate name of Krispy Bacon.

Pausing Unlock the Vault

This month's campaign for the Unlock the Vault series has been replaced with an extra special campaign - Onions & Wagons!

An adventure celebrating 50 Years of DnD!

Onions & Wagons

If you'd like to check out this slice of madness you can do so HERE.

An early version of this adventure is being played at Gary Con XVI next week and we are super excited to bring the updated version to life, with original art, maps, monster some added extras.

Are any of you attending Gary Con next week?

Have a great Wednesday :)

Kayleigh & Team Penny Dragon





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