about 1 year ago

Project Update: Almost Time!

Are You Ready?

Tomb of the Undead King is in its final round of review. Being the first of the Unlock the Vault series, it has taken some time to get just right. Laying the right foundation for the structure and style of this series helps us to ensure the smooth production of the seven.

We look forward to hearing your feedback on this one.

Here's a glimpse of what's heading your way in the next couple of days.
Tomb Guardian

Gizcog's Wandering Emporium

As you know, this is a book of 100 magic items. If you have a copy of any of our Mag of Holding publications you'll know we love Gizcog and his trusty pig, Krispy. So this one is shaping up to be a lot of fun to create.

We were a little ambitious with our estimated fulfilment date though. As it turns out, reviewing the writing and mechanics for the 100 magic items is no small task. We'd rather do it right than rush it and will be sharing some of the art and items for this while you wait for the full PDF to be completed in a few weeks time.

Here's some artwork, by the talented Liam Hammond, of our dynamic duo on one of their many adventures.
Gizcog and Krispy

One Dollar One Shots

On our recent campaign Legend of the Silver Colosseum (if you're waiting for an update on this project it is heading your way right after I finish this one :)) we spoke about balancing the considerable amount of work that goes into producing our 20+ page $1 One Shots and the fact that as much as we love doing them, we can't afford to produce projects of this size at that price any longer.

We asked for input from our backers and we had such wonderful feedback from so many of you both on that poll and in our contact mailbox. The thing is, we'd still like to produce something as so many of you said you do enjoy getting something fun for $1.

As an experiment to see whether it is something our community would like, we're launching a bite sized campaign entitled "One Shilling One Shots". Essentially a paired back version of our one shots, something we can still bring to the community for $1.

If you'd like to take a look you can find it HERE.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and catching you in the next update!

Have a great day,






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