Nicci-Grace Isbell
about 1 year ago

Project Update: An ADDITIONAL Stretch Goal Just Snuck in!

Holy undead! Where did that stretch goal just come from and what the heck is going on here?!

£8,500 – Aizendore’s Vault Lore
Well, folks, it occurred to me you might enjoy a little background lore to the Key of Abjuration, and thankfully you’re talking to the High Lorekeeper here **doffs imaginary wizard’s hat**
And if a curious soul, such as yourself, deigns to grease my ink-stained palm with a pretty penny or two, I may just be able to locate it for you. It is no easy feat, mind you, rummaging through the archives of Penny Dragon’s lore-room, where dusty, ancient tomes teeter on overflowing bookshelves and weathered parchment scrolls jut from every crevice, nook, and cranny. I could have sworn the original lore was here somewhere…perhaps catalogued by the scribe who penned it…Black…Black…Christoph–oh, if only I could remember where I filed it…
I just know this short excerpt is sure to tantalize if I could find it…and wasn’t there some commentary provided from one of the Chroniclers of Antiquity on that scroll too? I’m sure there was…
It will certainly take a diligent mind and a keen eye to find it amongst this treasure trove of tales…which, of course, makes me the perfect Lorekeeper for the job! Now it is simply a question of what incentive you might provide to commission such a quest…
I’d need to see just a little more enthusiasm…**offers right hand out, ready to feel the cold touch of silver**
Share with your DnD group to unlock this brand new stretch goal and finance a poor Lorekeeper to invest in more than an imaginary wizard’s hat ;)

(chaotic good, female, elf lorekeeper)





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