Christophor Rick
4 months ago

Project Update: The Next Construction

The end is in sight (as soon as the stickers arrive) and the final stages of the electronic Atomic Altar in progress my goal is to have then done by Gamehole Con 10/17-19 drop me a line if you'll be there and I can hand you an Altar if you ordered one, or sell you an extra one I've made. This weekend I got back to work piecing notes together into a cohesive adventure. The next big adventure is another Maidenverse adventure even though it might not look like it at first glance.

Ziggurat of the Dankest Kang is for Xcrawl Classics and is the first in a series of 8-bit XCrawl events I want to make. This partly spawned from my day job as we have a 26-foot-tall purple inflatable gorilla we named Danky Kang, the Dankest of Kangs, and my love of retro video games. This weekend I laid down a bunch of my notes into over 3,000 words that I will use for alpha testing soon.

However, it ALSO ties into the Maidenverse as it's a Ziggurat module. This will be the third in the series and means I might getting to the end of them? I have a couple more ideas I want to do for it like a Weird Frontiers Ziggurat, a space ziggurat and then The Eternal Ziggurat which should tie it all up and wrap the series.

In fact, I've got two new products that are pretty far along already. Wizard Sea Chronicles Volume 2 has 9,250 words written from notes. Some of that will probably get shifted to digital posts over on my Patreon as free resources for everyone because at an average of 400 words per page for the zine, that's already 23 pages and I haven't finished the main adventure. I'm trying to keep that series in the 32 pages plus cover area.

But between Dankest Kang and WSC Volume 2 and those other ziggy modules, I have a couple other large projects I want to work on first. Mainly it's my Mars game based on DCC rules that I want to get done. A sort of alt history, old school Mars thing that I've got like 20 pages of notes on.

As always, jump on the Ophoric Labs Discord (formerly the 2OG server) or follow along on Patreon with a free membership., I publish something every week on Patreon though some is for paid members only like the 4800 one-shot this week,The Mysterious Swamped Village. 

Discord is where I look for testers from time to time, so if you want to play some broken, online test versions of stuff I've got coming and maybe some live streamed games on Twitch, that's the place to be. I won't stream the test sessions but I do like to stream published stuff now and again and I think Megaton Maiden will make for some fine streaming entertainment. ;)
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