Christophor Rick
5 months ago

Project Update: Gamehole Con Game Report

So, in case you don't follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or Discord... here's how the weekend went at my favorite RPG-focused game convention, Gamehole 11!
4 games. 4 hours each, 7 players each
1 one-wire defusal. (accidental)
1 one-wire detonation. (intentional)
2 detonations due to hasty decisions.
28 characters started, 4 joined along the way, 8 survived for a 75% mortality rating. My dice in the last 2 games were muy caliente!
3-1 in favor of the Megaton Maiden!
Thousands enter the Endless Army

One full group survived (the one-wire defusal).

One character in another group survived. He was a manimal and Glowburned to get a 32 Temporary Invulnerability. As most of the party was down he went after the Atomic Altar. His fatal flaw was he clipped all the wires with his claws and detonated it. That group also did not stop the reactor meltdown. It created at 100km wide atomic fireball. The manimal flew 48km, hit the ground and walked away because of the mutation (see below).

The survival group

My first 2 rolls of Game 3.

Cutting it close as that was bomb and game session timer.
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