user avatar image for Christophor Rick

Christophor Rick

Christophor has been playing RPGs since a friend introduced him to D&D in 1979-80. Since then he has gone on to play as many RPGs as he could with his favorites being D&D, Gamma World, Gaslands, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Mutant Crawl Classics, Call of Cthulhu and Star Wars Edge of the Empire. His first credit in an RPG was at Gen Con 12 or 13 as a playtester for someone else's RPG. Since then he has gone on to write for others as a freelancer, write his own stuff as a solo creator and as the creative force behind 2 Old Guys Games. 
As The Kids DM he has used his streamlined 5e system to teach over 100 kids (6+) and over 50 adults how to play RPGs to help grow the hobby. 


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