Charles Ryan
4 months ago

Project Update: The Darkest Woods Campaign Came to a Fantastic End!

Thank you, backers! What a campaign that was. We’re very excited to bring The Darkest Woods into existence, and super happy to have unlocked so many stretch goals to make it even bigger and better. The campaign was scheduled to close yesterday evening, but remained active in "overtime mode" into the night.

We want to tell you a bit about the next steps—and we have some interesting news—but first let’s give credit where credit is due:

While this campaign has been running Monte has been working on The Darkest Woods, while also leading our design team—Bruce, Sean, Dominique, and Shanna—as they move titles like Gunslinger Knights (for the Cypher System) and Dig Your Own Grave (for the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game) toward completion. Bear and Javier handled the graphic design of this campaign and will be making The Darkest Woods as striking as you expect. Jen, Olivia, and Kate have provided answers and are always available to provide support to you, our wonderful community. Teri, Dominique, and Tammie have corralled the words and tamed the logistics. The man behind the curtain was Charles, who planned and ran this campaign.

We all appreciate your support. We love making (and playing!) imaginative, beautiful, and easy-to-use RPGs, and it’s your backing that makes that possible.

Now, here’s what to expect as we move forward from here.

The Immediate Future 

Running a crowdfunding campaign is hard work. We’re looking forward to getting a bit of rest, and the Thanksgiving holiday weekend is right around the corner. You may not hear from us for a little while, but don’t worry. As we’ve said, Monte is already at work on these titles. We’ll post updates any time there’s news share. 

The Next Few Weeks

BackerKit began collecting pledges the moment the campaign closed. But it takes them a full two weeks to release those funds, along with the data on our backers.

In the meantime, we will get the pledge manager fully set up. The pledge manager gives us information we need to fulfill your pledge and lets you manage your add-ons and make any pledge upgrades you want. We’ll notify you when we open the pledge manager, which should be in about three weeks.

The Next Few Months

Once you’ve completed the pledge manager survey, we won’t need anything else from you until it’s time to start fulfilling rewards. We’ll be busy crafting The Darkest Woods in the months to come. We’ll post regular updates, but if you don’t hear anything for a few weeks, don’t fret.

At the same time, please pay attention when you do get communications from us. Our emails and updates include critical information about your rewards.

When Your Rewards Ship

Every time a reward is ready for you, we’ll contact you by email to begin the fulfillment process. Generally, we’ll direct you to the MCG Shop, where you’ll log in, “buy” the product (for free, because you’ve already paid for it through this campaign), and check out.

This is an important part of the process because it ensures we have accurate delivery information for every item we send out. (With thousands of backers getting rewards, it's amazing how many people will change their address over the fulfillment period.) You'll pay for shipping at that time.

Make sure to pay attention to communications from us—don't let our updates or emails go to your spam folder, or otherwise ignore them, because if you do you could miss out on some of your rewards.

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG

So What's Next from MCG?

New statements. New horrors. New lore. New resources for the GM. New options for the players. New adventures by The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims.

The Web weaves. Will you find yourself within its tangles?

Our next campaign delves deeper into The Magnus Archives. Sign up for a notification when the campaign launches!






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