Charles Ryan
4 months ago

Project Update: Expanded Edition Upgraded! Let’s Talk Bookmarks

Wow, what a week we’re having! You have unlocked yet another stretch goal, and we’re now doing a second round of upgrades to The Darkest Woods Expanded Edition. This is going to be a really wonderful physical book—one that will take a place of pride on any gamer’s shelf—and we can’t wait to make it!

It's the final day of this campaign—and the last day is often one of the most exciting and fast-paced. If past campaigns are any guide, we can squeeze in at least one more stretch goal before it closes.

An early goal added a set of bookmarks to The Darkest Woods. These aren’t just any old bookmarks, though. Here’s an explanation from one of the early campaign updates:

The Darkest Woods app is built to provide everything you need on a single screen, so that as you GM online you never have to flip back and forth between displays. The interactive environment lets us put content into accordions, on tabs, in pop-ups, or in other formats that make it handy when you need it, but keeps it out of your way when you don’t. And we can fit an almost infinite amount of content on a single screen.

We replicate a lot of that in the book through its unique layout, which is highly mindful of the GM’s needs and the way you use the encounters at the table. But for some elements—like an NPC who could potentially appear in many locations—it’s not practical, or a good use of the book’s space, to reprint material over and over. So, just like with a conventional RPG book, we’ll detail the item in one location. But now the GM has to flip pages and keep track of info from multiple parts of the book.

That’s where these bookmarks come in. Each one will have information about a recurring element of the Woods. Once the PCs are looking for Annie, for example, the GM would use the Annie bookmark to mark the page corresponding to her location, and if Annie shows up in that area, voila, the GM has her info right there. In some cases, you might be able to track info about the item or character right on the bookmark.
That earlier stretch goal unlocked at least four of these. As he’s worked on The Darkest Woods over the course of this campaign, though, Monte has come to think the book could use more—possibly six or so. We’d also like to make the bookmarks more interactive when appropriate, and even make some for The Darkest House. That’s right: if you own The Darkest House in hardcover format already, or are getting it through this campaign, you’ll get bookmarks to make your use of that book even easier! We’ll unlock these bookmarks at $295K.

Remember: YOU Make It Happen!

We’ve had an exciting influx of new backers this week—that’s what’s unlocking these stretch goals so quickly. How are these gamers discovering the campaign? By backers like you spreading the word!

There’s just one day left—and thousands of gamers who would love The Darkest Woods, but haven’t even heard about it yet. We’re doing our best to reach them—won’t you help, and push us over the top on this stretch goal and maybe even more?

Right-click to download these graphics and share them online. Remember to include a link to the campaign (, and tag Monte Cook Games!

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—Team MCG
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