Charles Ryan
4 months ago

Project Update: Thanks for Keeping the Backer Train Going!

Hello, backers!

The Darkest Woods is in overtime mode—so long as backers keep pledging, the campaign will remain open! (This is a relatively new feature on BackerKit, and it’s turned out to be a great way to reach gamers who learn about the campaign—or decide to pledge—at the very last minute.)

We unlocked the bookmarks upgrade just before the campaign’s scheduled closing. Normally that would be it, but. . .

What if there was another stretch goal?

We have loads more ideas for The Darkest Woods, but one in particular that would make a great final upgrade. If overtime mode keeps going, we’ll announce this goal and keep pushing toward it!

Please help give the campaign one more push—and stay tuned. If this momentum keeps up, we’ll announce another stretch goal shortly!

In the meantime, we invite you to join the Cypher Unlimited Discord, where MCG fans are talking about The Darkest Woods and this campaign right now. You can also check out our social media profiles for posts you can share tonight to help spread the word and keep overtime mode going!

Join the incredible communicty of Cypher System gamers on the Cypher Unlimited Discord.
Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG





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