Charles Ryan
23 days ago

Project Update: You Made It Happen!

Hello, Family—

That was … welp, that was fast! You all have funded this campaign in what seems like record time. Your support has warmed our hearts and fired our excitement for these three new books, which are now going to take your games into darker places, make your characters richer and more full of life, and give your game table even deeper atmosphere and authenticity.

This, of course, is a beginning, not an end, and the road ahead promises more treasures. We have many an idea for growing, expanding, and further improving your rewards. We’re looking forward to bringing you even more lore, art, creatures, characters, cyphers, artifacts, locales—and maybe even entirely new items—through stretch goals.

Your enthusiastic response has bowled us over a bit, though, and right now we’re up to our elbows in managing this campaign. Give us just a bit of time to catch up, and we’ll start talking about those goals. In the meantime, thank you so much for an incredible launch!

—Team MCG





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