Latest from the Creator
Kate Evans
24 days ago
Winter update on two of the three new books
Hey there family,   We’re having a very productive winter and are pleased to let y’all know that of our three new books, Dig Your Own Grave is now in editing, and All Your Go...
Kate Evans
about 2 months ago
Snowed in, but digging out soon!
Hey there family! We've got some mighty snow fall keepin' the Kansas warehouse in the US shut, and slowin' the UK warehouse which services the UK and Europe! Please be assured things are being dug out, and we're resuming normal service ASAP. We hope everyone is staying saf...
Charles Ryan
2 months ago
All Your Gods are Dead is in development (and lots more you won’t want to miss)!
Happy holiday season, family! Winter has arrived in here Kansas! There is a chill in the air, and everyone hustles home at the end of the day, trying to beat the encroaching...
Monte Cook Games
4 months ago
Pledge Manager Closes MONDAY!
Happy mid-November, family! Winter is drawing ever closer, yet as nights grow darker and shadows draw longer, eve...
Monte Cook Games
5 months ago
Oh, and one more thing…
Hello again family, We’re sorry to send you another message so close to our last update, but we thought you might want to hear a few exciting bits of news. Backers at Th...
Olivia Ryan
5 months ago
We're Hard at Work on Your Rewards, and the Pledge Manager Opens This Week!
Hello family, It’s been about a month since the Old Gods of Appalachia: Deeper Still crowdfunding campaign closed, and we’re excited to tell you about the progress we’ve made i...

The mail service lost the package with most of my main stuff in it. ($400+ worth of stuff) I put in a ticket on the MCG site almost a week ago and have heard nothing back. Is this something MaCG can rectify or am I screwed because the mail lost the package?






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My copy of the corebook arrived and it is beautiful! And I am excited to see what the others and the props will look like in person. However, I also received 2 extra copies, despite my pledge only including one, so letting you know that your system might have a slight glitch

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Kate Evans
19 days ago

Project Update: Winter update on two of the three new books

Hey there family,
We’re having a very productive winter and are pleased to let y’all know that of our three new books, Dig Your Own Grave is now in editing, and All Your Gods Are Dead is in the final stages of design, and is beginning development.

Check out what Old Gods of Appalachia RPG designer Shanna’s been working on:

The writing and design for Dig Your Own Grave is complete, and it's in the process of being edited as we speak! The stories and poems from our guest writers--including Cherie Priest and Lee Mandelo--are incredible, and they lend so much atmosphere to the book. Additionally this book has all the things you might expect for a player resource: more cool descriptors and foci (who doesn't want to play a character who Steals the Nickels off a Dead Man's Eyes or who Whistles in the Woods?); a ton of new equipment ideas; tips for playing in horror games; and a whole bunch of player intrusions and connections.
But my favorite bit is the optional choose-your-own adventure style character backgrounds. There are eight of them, and each of them gives you two points where your character made a choice. This is Old Gods we're talking about here, so of course none of those choices are easy and there's no way to walk away unscathed. Here's the opening bit from one of the backgrounds called Deal Broker. What choice do you make?

Two people lit by lantern light in an open misty forest, a tree like creature approaches

Deal Broker

You were once down on your luck, in almost all the ways a person can be. Your job fell away, food went scarce, your family had mostly died off or disappeared or become ragged in the way that those who are bound by the thin threads of blood sometimes do. You became the last of your line, a name ready to die out and be buried forever. 

But you had one light: love.

The love of another human that burned so bright and pure and perfect that you would do anything to make them happy. Anything at all.  

When they asked to you make things better, in any way you could, you knew it was time. The night of the hunter’s moon, you walked into the trees and did that ritual. The one you were never supposed to do, the one that made your sweet mamaw strengthen her wards. The one that made your eyes water and the hairs rise along the nape of your neck just to think about it. The one that would have made your love say, “No, not that. Anything but that” if you’d told them—but you didn’t. 

You went, trembled voice and shaking hands and a roil in your belly like a wild river on the rise. 

And when the beast answered, when it shoved through the trees and soil like your worst nightmare’s worst nightmare, and it said, “Ask,” you went ahead and did.  

And when the beast whispered its cost, not into your ear, but into your heart’s terrified beat, when it said, “I will take your first-born child in payment,” you said, “Yes.” 

Because there was no child. Not then.

But there is now. And she is sweet and tow-headed and the joy of both of your lives. Thanks to the deal, your work has blossomed, your love has held, your life is as close to perfect as a broken, breathing thing can be.  

And now: now the beast is coming. It is here. It is ready to complete your bargain.

Do you Give Your Child to the Beast? (Go to page xx)

Do you Break Your Bargain? (Go to page xx)

1930s dressed people dance to a live band in a barn

Fulfillment of Rewards

The following existing rewards are all now available to redeem if you've not redeemed them already:

  • Character Portfolio in print and PDF
  • Cypher System Starter Set
  • GM Campaign Journal
  • GM Intrusion Deck in print and PDF
  • GM Screen in print and PDF
  • NPC Deck in print and PDF
  • OGoA Corebook in print and PDF
  • Player’s Guide (bundle of 5) in print
  • Pocket Railroad Guide in print and PDF
  • Prop Set in print and PDF
  • Resource Deck in print and PDF
  • Scrip Set
  • The Weird in print and PDF
  • XP Deck in print and PDF
  • Your Best Game Ever in print and PDF
Chances are, if you’re into horror podcast or RPGs, you’ll want to check out what we have in store for The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game.  Check it out!


Caption reads Make Your Statement

The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game takes horror on a unique and chilling arc, as you investigate what seem to be unconnected supernatural encounters. But links between these disparate horrors soon emerge, revealing a bigger—and more chilling—picture.
The real twist comes as the PCs realize they aren’t just combating this web of horror—they’re being affected by it. These powerful malign forces can be defeated—but how much of their humanity are the PCs willing to sacrifice?

                The Web weaves. Will you find yourself within its tangles?
Our next campaign delves deeper into The Magnus Archives and its fully funded and live now!


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I received a link for an *All's Well" PDF today, but I don't see my three PDFs on the Monte Cook site. Are we supposed to have digital fulfillment by now? I'm a bit confused.

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In an update it was mentioned that the PDFs for the core rulebook will sent out in December - but I've neither received the PDF nor any update why the PDFs weren't sent. It's very disapointing how the cowdfunding is looked after, after Monte Cook Games collected the money. I have the feeling, that they are too busy preparing new crowfundings than fulfilling existing ones. I also briefly thought about taking part in the CF for The Magnus Archives, but after my experiences so far I'd rather not. I'm rather wondering whether I shouldn't apply for a refund after all. Monte Cook Games has managed to completely ruin my enjoyment of The Old Gods of Appalachia. All in all I am very disappointed






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