Charles Ryan
11 months ago

Project Update: How about an early stretch goal?

Hi, backers—

One of the truisms of running a crowdfunding campaign is that the stretch goals often hit at inconvenient times. When you’re about to go into a meeting, or that day you’re out of the office—or you close in on one just as you’re ready to go to bed, so you wait, and then it takes a bit longer, and . . .

That’s the direction we’re heading toward tonight: we’re gonna hit our latest goal, but probably not until midnight or so. And I’ve got a big day ahead of me, with all the work of bringing the campaign to a close.

So I have a deal for you: if you can get us to, say, 2,180 backers by 10:00 PM CDT (that’s 11 on the east coast, and 8 on the west), we’ll release the next stretch goal early—right then. It’s a win-win-win: you get an early goal, we announce the next one (it’s a biggie—plus we have another major announcement to go with it), and I get to go to bed on time!

We only need about 20 backers to make this happen. If you can take a minute to jump into social media and give the campaign a few shout-outs, we can easily do it.

Here are some tips to make it easy. Feel free to share anything we've put up on Facebook, Instagram, or Bluesky. Or share one of the images here—along with a link to the campaign (use and maybe a sentence about why you like the Cypher System.

20 or so new backers will do it—thanks for helping out!

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