Olivia Ryan
about 1 month ago

Project Update: High Noon at Midnight is going to press—check out this sneak peek!

Yeehaw, backers—

Happy 2025! We’d like to start this year off by sharing a sneak peek of High Noon at Midnight, which will soon be off to printing! We’re still on track to deliver this book by late spring, and can’t wait to get it into your hands. For now, we hope you dig these sneak peek spreads!

If you think these look cool, make sure you read the update from November 21st, which shares “How the West Was Weird by Bruce R. Cordell,” a preview of "Hand of Fate" from High Noon at Midnight

What about Neon Rain and Gunslinger Knights?

Neon Rain
and its zine, Cash & Chrome, are currently being laid out and shaping up to be gorgeous books. Gunslinger Knights and Mother of Storms, its companion, are both in editing. We can’t wait to share some sneak peeks of these products next month. 

New statements. New lore. New adventures by The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims.

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Mark slammed his front door. The sleeve of his shirt hung shredded by that thing’s claws, and his jeans were smeared with horrible-smelling goo. His hands shook.

He needed a drink. He needed sleep. He needed to get a few days away from working at the Magnus Institute...
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Within Tangled in the Web, you’ll find:
💻 A FREE corebook PDF with EVERY pledge level 
📖 Physical book upgraded at a discounted price 
🔍 A special guide for launching a campaign with new players 
👹 New monsters, investigations, and more!
 The Web weaves. Will you find yourself within its tangles?

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Thanks again for your support, and we hope to see you within the archives very soon…
 —Team MCG
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