We have added new colour variants of the Magic Dagger pin to the campaign! To add extra dagger pins to your pledge, please add an extra Adventure Loot Add-on to your pledge.
Just a reminder that if you back both The Metacosm Chronicles 's project and this project, you will be receiving the Magic Dagger Pin (Blue) and Pheonix's Tech Glove Pin (The Metacosm Chronicles) for free!
We are also very close to unlocking the last few extra stretch goals! We have created an achievement goal for when we reach $7,500 CAD (about 5,177 USD). Once all the current stretch goals are unlocked, we will be adding another unlocked Legendary Weapon to the collection! The new Legendary Weapon pin will be approximately 3.0 inches in length.
Here are some possible options that you could vote to help us decide:
We also received a request to add more bundle pledge levels to the campaign. We have added pledge levels for those interested in pledging for all adventure loot pins, adventure companions pins,..etc.
Lastly, the results from our previous poll have determined that version 2 of the Tidal Wave Nunchucks is the most popular. We have now updated the design images on the campaign.
In the meantime, we want to express our gratitude for all the wonderful support we have been receiving for the new collection! Can't wait to see the Legendary Weapon poll's results! Stay tuned for more updates! Thank you!