Mini Adventure Foods: - Mini Mushroom - Mini Cheese - Mini Pear - Mini Strawberry - Mini Orange - Mini Grapes
New Unlocked Pin Variant Added!
In celebration of unlocking all the main goals, we have added a new unlocked colour variant to the Nightguard's gauntlet pin! To add this pin to your pledge, please add an extra adventure loot pin add-on to your pledge!
And just a reminder that if you pledge for 3 or more pins (any combination of adventure loot, adventure companions, standard weapons or legendary weapons) you will receive a free golden dagger pin for free! 😉
New Poll: Vote for the Tidal Wave Nunchucks Final Design!
While making some adjustments to the Tidal Wave Nunchuck Weapons to better fit production specifications, we wanted to make some colour adjustments to elevate its design. We would love to have help deciding on the final look! Please feel free to vote in the poll! We will end the poll on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 @ 6:00 PM EST.
Lastly, we had a question about a Pay Over Time option. I have now enabled the Pay Over Time option on this campaign. Backers who pledge $150 USD (about $215 CAD) or more can now pay their balance over the four months after the campaign. You should be able to see that option during checkout now!
And a major thank you to someone who pointed out that some images were missing from the campaign story! I forgot to re-upload certain pictures when I was updating the graphics yesterday. Thank you so much! I appreciate all the help! ❤️