3 months ago

Project Update: Pintopia Update: 75% of items are complete-- just waiting on plushies and hoodies now!

Happy Friday critters!

This is, unfortunately, a rather boring update but necessary nevertheless. I mostly just wanted to check in, let you know that production is progressing slowly but surely on our plush friends and go over what's already arrived at the warehouse.

I've updated the pintopia checklist to reflect all the packages that have arrived this week, what's been paid for, and what's currently in production. Here are the highlights:

  • Bat and wolpertinger sweaters are almost complete and should be leaving the factory any time now.
  • Pins should also be leaving the factory any time now.
  • Lanyards arrived at the warehouse earlier this week.
  • All keychains are finished (and mistakenly sent to my house, but its no biggie-- they'll be on their way to the warehouse shortly 😅)
  • Fairy Floss Bat shaker keychains have been finished and delivered. 
  • Sticker samples should be ready in the next week or so. 
  • Hoodies are in production-- no ETA yet.
  • Plushies are in production-- no ETA yet.

Aren't these keychains the most precious thing? 🥹

The colors on the lanyards also came out beautifully!

Lastly please note: I've been in migraine city for most of this week but am finally on the mend so I will be touching base with everyone who has reached out about adjusting their order/address/etc asap. If you don't hear back from me within the next 24 hours, please feel free to resend your message! 💖




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