25 days ago

Project Update: Pintopia Update: Checking in and accessory progress!

Good morning critters!

I apologize for my lack of updates over here on the Pintopia front. Not a whole lot has been happening to be perfectly frank, but I still want to check in more frequently going forward just to answer any frequently asked questions and give you all some piece of mind! 

I'll start with the good news-- almost everything has been paid for and is in some stage of the manufacturing process!

  • Some of the sweaters had to be resampled due to switching suppliers, but they came in last week and look identical to the original samples which is exactly what I wanted.
  • Keychain rewards, stickers, lanyards, and all other little accessories are in production and shouldn't take long at all to finish. I expect them to be done before anything else. 
  • The fairy floss shakers are finally underway! I approved the 3D model, so the mold is being made now and I wouldn't be surprised if I receive a sample this week. I also paid for all of the keychains outright, so manufacturing will begin immediately after I approve the final sample. Behold this fat bottomed lil bat 🙏

Now the less exciting news is that the time to bring tens of thousands of fully safety certified, fully inspected plushies from concept to completion is basically forever. We're still in inspection limbo with Series 2 (sharing a more detailed update about that immediately after this!) which I didn't expect.  I just got confirmation this morning from the fulfillment team that the additional, third party inspection I opted for will be complete before mid-October.

The upside here is that Pintopia is significantly smaller than Series 2 (like 10x smaller), so I have high hopes we won't be stuck in manufacturing and inspection hell for months and months once all the material sourcing and safety certs are finished. 

That said, I hesitate to give an updated delivery date except to say I am still gunning to have Pintopia orders fulfilled this year, even if that means paying for expedited shipping (from the factory to me) as soon as the plushies are complete if that's an option.

On a happier note (and because its fun to look at) please bask in this snughoul sea with me and cross your fingers that they'll be on the way home soon! The sooner these guys are on the way, the sooner the pintopia plushies can follow right after and we can take full advantage of our streamlined and stress-tested (cause you know 20k+ plushies is bound to break something) chain of fulfillment 💖

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