Lachlan Pierce
10 months ago

Project Update: Second to Last Survey Lock Tonight + A Bonus!

Hey all, 

The second to last survey lock is happening tonight so please make sure you have what you need in your surveys! There will only be one more lock on May 31st, after which I will no longer accept surveys. Please plan accordingly! 

Tonight's lock will be a bit earlier, at around 9pm MDT as I'm at a convention on the East Coast. 

***This is just surveys being locked, not addresses - those get locked much later!!***

But also! I have sample pics of some of the pins!! If you're confused by the metal shown, it's because they're using an un-plated metal for the samples and will produce them with the correct plating once everything looks good with the sample. Also these don't have screenprinting yet so don't be alarmed if something looks missing!

I love watching everything come together! We're still missing Sakura Deer and the Angel cup, but I'm sure those are coming very soon! 

And if you're curious about the swords, those are going great too! I'll post those samples in another update if you're interested! 

Yay! See you next time! 





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