Lachlan Pierce
10 months ago

Project Update: Second Survey Lock Tonight!

Happy Friday! 

Hope you all are doing well! I've been quite a bit under the weather but this lychee oolong tea I picked up is certainly helping! 

Tonight is the second survey lock so I will be locking all completed surveys and charging attached cards are around midnight MDT. There's two more lock dates - May 24th and May 31 - so plan accordingly! 

Pins are in the mold making phase now. My company usually tries out the mold with a basic silver nickel plating first before starting mass production so if I get pictures of that I'll make sure to share. I don't see this being a reason a delay would occur, but I was told this morning that the cost of gold has gone up so that is going to effect the per unit price of the gold plated pins. There's no further action on your end, I will eat the cost, but it is worth mentioning that some of the more complicated gold plated pins might go up in price after fulfillment is over. I will keep the current prices in the pre order store as-is though. 

Have a great evening and catch you next time! 






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