Lachlan Pierce
10 months ago

Project Update: Mischief Managed (So Far)

Hi all, just a super quick update since I'm sure you're all tired of getting these daily updates from me! 

1. I've contacted BK Creator Support about the missing returning backer question so I'll hopefully hear back soon!

2. I've manually added returning backer rewards for everyone who's reached out so far. Sorry it took so long - there was *a lot* of you and I'm no closer to figuring out how this happened! For an insight on the shenanigans, about 40 or so saw the question in their surveys and at least 14 of you didn't. The only insight from BK I've gotten so far is even people put in the returning backer segment were having this problem??? Which is very wild because the survey question is supposedly attached to that segment. I don't understand tech at all D:

3. We're past the 75% mark for completed surveys so now that I have a more accurate item count it's time to start production! YAY! Now in the past it has taken my company about a month and a half to make a large amount of new pins (mold fees have to be made first). I don't know if that's exactly what we can expect, but it's at least an estimate. I'll share production photos along the way if you're interested - I'm ESPECIALLY curious about the Terrarium production since it has stained glass!

4. If you're a returning backer and haven't been able to select your freebie, or if you have any other questions about your surveys, please let me know! I'm happy to help you all out :)

5. The next survey lock and card charge is this Friday May 17th @ 11:59 pm MDT! 

6. Refund deadline is May 18th! I will not do any refunds after that date. 

7. All surveys are due by May 31st @11:59 pm MDT! I will cancel any incomplete orders on June 1st with no refund. 

8. Thank you everyone who hit the survey snafu for being so patient and kind about it. I know it was out of my control but I still feel terrible about it, and everyone was super nice when messaging me about it so gosh, thank you! You're all very nice and wonderful, I'm so glad :'D

It's full steam ahead, let's make some pins!!!

- Lachlan





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