Magpie Games
21 days ago

Project Update: Coin Preview and Project Update!

Shiver me timbers, me hearties! A new year has come and with it a slew of treasure huntin’. We be pleased to let ya know a shiny new trinket has made its way to our boat. Have a little look down below for what’s been happenin’ aboard and more!

Project Update

Most excitin’ news, mateys! As of right now, the books, GM screen, dice, and dice tray have been picked up by the manufacturer and are on various boats headed to their distribution locations! As soon as they and the pretty little coin reach their destinations, we’ll be set to start sending out yer booty to ya. 

As it stands, all this treasure is set to arrive at their various distribution centers by the end of April. From there, we’ll begin shipping your packages to you! We’ll keep you abreast of how the high seas be treatin’ your bounty. 

The last bit to be done manufacturing is the pirate coin. Getting this fancy trinket perfect has been an important part of the project. As such, we’re happy to offer you a sneak peek at what the coin looks like! 

Like everything else, the coins be a headin’ our way across the sea. We be expectin’ them on the same timeline—late April.

Play Aids Now Available!

We are thrilled to offer the player and ship playbooks so that ye can get ta playin’! These will be found in your Digital Downloads in Backerkit. We apologize for the delay in gettin’ them to ya. Tis been a busy few months!

Ye can find yer Digital Downloads by usin’ this link:

If ya find any typos or errors, please let us know by emailin’ [email protected] with the subject Rapscallion Playbooks Feedback. 

Additional play aids will be finding their way to yer Backerkit before the books start shippin’ to ya. This will give us time to finish up these additional resources that will make running the game even easier. 

Next Adventures

Now that we’re back in the office, we’ll be continuin’ with monthly updates. So keep yer eyes on the horizon, enjoy the booty just arrived, and be ready for some mighty fine treasure so very soon.





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