Magpie Games
3 months ago

Project Update: Samples are in & Proofs coming soon!

Hoist the black flag! Ready the cannons! We’ve got news of some mighty fine treasure nearly ready for the takin’!

Samples Arriving

We managed ta pillage some boats tha have come in with treasure, friends! We’ve been receiving samples from some of our production companies, including samples of dice and the dice trays! The colors aren’t perfect on them, so we’re going to do some corrections and once the samples come back as what we’ll be shipping to you, we’ll share some pictures. 

Right now, we’re happy to say the samples look incredible (outside of some color discrepancies)! We can’t wait until we can share the final proofs with you!

Print Proofs & Next Steps

Soon we’ll be unearthin’ some mighty treasure from the bowels of a commandeered ship. Our crew will be able to see the first proofs of our mighty books! These proofs will be the first rounds sent out. We’ll be ensuring that they look like what we’ll be sending to you before we share pictures. 

Proof rounds can last a few weeks as we ensure colors match, the text sits right on the page, and make any edits we need to. Once we finish the round of proofs, that means printing will begin! 

We know you’ve been askin’ about the play materials and we hear ya. We’re hopin’ to have those to ya before we head off on the Winter Holiday break at the end of December!  

Next Adventures

The end o’the year draws ever closer, hearties. We’ll be reportin’ back in next month a bit early with any and all updates we have. Once we have final proofs, you’ll be gettin’ some fancy pictures to assuage the gruellin’ wait for the books ta be in your hands. Till next time!





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