Frank Anthony
4 months ago

Project Update: 11-1-2024-INK OF GHOST WRITING


If you have not backed this yet, but are interested, our three (plus BLACK BOOK OF CANTRIPS Vol. 1 giveaway at project’s end) 72 HOUR EARLY BIRD SPECIALS ENDS SATURDAY AT 4:00 pm Eastern Time!
A grateful shoutout to our 3-4 awesome Canadian friends about SHIPPING. We will ship ANYWHERE in the world as long as:

1. Our various postal carriers will deliver there.

2. You are okay with paying for the print item NOW (although KS does NOT charge you until December 5, 2024 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time) and paying for the SHIPPING at the very end of this project and everything is 100% done. We will be using BACKERKIT PLEDGE MANAGER, which, we hear, is perfect for this. We are doing this so both YOU and WE get the most accurate SHIPPING RATES possible.

Scroll ALLLLLLLL the way down to see more about SHIPPING INFO!

When all PRINT products are done, we place an order with DTRPG. They then print and send us one copy of each print product. That day, or ASAP, we click on the APPROVAL for US to place YOUR orders. At this time, we will have a more accurate price for shipping.

I do believe, for NOW, you can just select YSA for your destination. And then Backerkit Pledge Manager will save us all in the not too distant future. Worse case scenario, you can always cancel at the end.

We thank our 3-4 Wonderful Canadian friends for pointing this out to us. THANK YOU!

Now, back to the fun stuff!


Pretty much like AUTOMATIC WRITING!

One of the cool things about this adventure and spellbook is that the spellbook is largely “interactive.” If the adventurers find this powerful tome, THE MAGNARON, the adventure gets even more difficult. If there is any good news to be had, it lies within the powers of this very potent grimoire. This update is just one example of the PCs potentially making use of the featured crafted item: INK OF GHOST SUMMONING.

You may ask why in the hell would this spell/crafted item be so valuable. Well, many foolhardy adventurers that have delved into KEEGARD KEEP have died here. In most cases, they’ve died horribly. The ghosts of some of the fallen may choose (or be magically coerced) to share the secrets of Kergard Keep with your party. That’s where this magical ink comes in. The “caster” writes out between 5-12 questions (1d8) for the ghost to answer. The player controlling their PC chooses (from a pool of 12 questions) which of these questions he/she will ask the ghost. THE GHOST IS MAGICALLY COMPELLED TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS HONESTLY. Or better yet, there may very well be a 5-10% chance the ghost LIES just out of spite. This would be determined by the alignment of the dead one(s) OR the DM’s decision.

Lots of creativity, CHOICES, and DM judgment calls on this.

The characters are then thrust into a medieval MacGyver-like situation. By finding the Oni Lord’s treasure trove of exotic spell components, this concoction to lure phantoms from their graves will most certainly come into play.

If you believe in ghosts, or if you ever watch any of these fun ghost hunting shows, you may notice that it takes a spirit a good bit of energy to manifest and perform tasks in the physical world. This encounter is no exception.

A dead adventurer comes forth to reveal his name, class, and then scrawls and scribbles a few broken messages for the current party to read.

Attached in this update is the two-page spread of the recipe for this magical ghost ink. The left side is currently gibberish to anyone without having the language key to decipher it. We will NOT be revealing the interpretations of any more magical writings but this one. We are just doing this to show you that this is just one way the players will be called upon to use their brains and for them to solve numerous puzzles and problems.

The left hand side of this spread translates to:


Corpse Ashes ~ 3 drams
Graveyard Dirt ~ 13 grains
Tombstone Dust ~ 13 grains
Deadly Nightshade ~ 3 berries
Black Dragon Blood ~ 13 grains
Silver Spoon Lampblack ~ 1 scruple

The right side of this example is just a teaser. The ghosts will never leave an incomplete answer!

There’s a bit more to it than this, but you get the idea! Also, the RIGHT side of each spell spread will have 5e-esque rules, info and stuff - written in Human Common English!

After the questioner writes down one of the questions (this can be a real role-playing and interactive situation if you choose) on any sheet of paper, parchment, or vellum, the ghost scrawls his reply. This can be done by the DM, or with a series of handouts. 2 full Q&A interactions per page. They can be printed out and used as PLAYER HANDOUT PROPS for a bit more immersion.

Have a great weekend, and there will be another update very soon!

If you have any questions, the best and fastest way to get the best and quickest reply is here:






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