2 Books - 1 Paperback 8.5"x11" The Animal World, and 1 Imagine A World!

  • ×1
    1 Paperback Book (The Animal World Full of Inspiration) 8.5"x11"
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    1 Hardcover Imagine A World Full of Wonder 8.5"x11" (with holographic foil)
This pledge gives you a copy of our first book (Imagine A World) that started the journey of a collective compilation of several artists in one book, plus the first edition of The Animal World ... Bringing you on a journey of motivation and fun collective nouns across every page!

From "An Eclipse of Moths" to "A conspiracy of Lemurs" both animal lovers, and grammar geeks alike will rejoice in the fun of these whimsical pages! 

With 14 illustrations and counting, we can't wait to see what this book turns into with your support and the talent of our team. 

We like every conversation to end a bit brighter, every day to end thankful, and for every book to leave with a lasting moment of knowledge, wisdom, motivation, inspiration, understanding, and empowerment.  We are so excited to bring this book to life, and are so grateful for your support.

(When we reach our stretch goal of $11,111 we will automatically upgrade all paperbacks to hardcovers at no additional cost!)

All US based pledges include shipping in the cost of the book! 
* International shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager.

2 Books - 1 Paperback 8.5"x11" The Animal World, and 1 Imagine A World!


23 Backers