The Full Digital Passport

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    Digital E-Book
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    PDF Printable Paper Dolls
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    MP3 Download- Imagination Meditaiton
This is a perfect digital passport!  If you just want to back the project,  and not worry about shipping - This digital reward can be e-mailed as soon as our files are ready.  No matter where you are, we can get your digital rewards to you with a big thank you for your pledge.

Get the PDF Printable Paper Dolls- featuring their companion animals from the book
(we have a girl: Ivy & Moth, and boy: Evan & toad) with more paper dolls to come, that the talented Yorris Handoko is creating as we speak!

Imagination Meditation- a wonderful imaginative meditation that takes you through the pages of our first book, Imagine A World.

The ebook of The Animal World- get the full ebook when it's ready to read with and enjoy with your loved ones.

The Full Digital Passport


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