Cole Wehrle
about 1 year ago

Project Update: A Call for Testers as Ahoy Enters Final Development

Hello everyone,

We've all been hard at work testing the new factions. At this point everything is very close to complete in terms of development, but there's still final balancing on the horizon. 

Today, we want to extend an invitation to anyone who would like to help test the final game. We coordinate most games over the Woodland Warriors, our official fan discord. If you’re interested in seeing the new factions in action or just want to find a way to play more Ahoy, you’ll find plenty of players over there. 

Link to the Woodland Warriors server on Discord.

If you haven’t used this Discord server before, you’ll be greeted by a welcome message after you sign up. Make sure to react to this messaging using the Ahoy button. Once you press it, you’ll be given access to all of the Ahoy channels, including “#ahoy-lfg” helps players who are currently looking for a game find each other. 

Regardless of whether or not you might want to help the final balancing push, you're welcome to take a look at the most recent changes by subscribing to current kit on Tabletop Simulator mod here.

And, you can check out the rules document here.

For those that are wondering, we are planning on release a physical print-and-play kit as well. We should have something ready in the next couple of weeks which we will post over on the Woodland Warriors and include in next month's campaign update. 

Support Questions

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to write to us at [email protected].  






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