Nick Brachmann
10 months ago

Project Update: Team Mode & Screen Printing & Treasure, oh my!

Hi everyone,

We’ve got some pretty big announcements for you today.

Team Mode!
During development I had the realization that, given how the Blackfish Brigade and Shellfire Rebellion had to be designed, they theoretically should work in a team mode. After only one game, it was clear that this was worth exploring, and the feature soon became one of my favorite parts of the new expansion. 

The rules are simple. Players split into two teams (Blackfish and Bluefin vs Shellfire and Mollusks) and start with a slightly larger map. Teammates can trade crew and gold while in the same region, and have the ability to use their ally’s Patrols and Comrades. As you might imagine, this opens up a wide range of strategies and daring new gambits.

Screen Printed Wood
Team mode did initially present a problem for the game’s production. Normally, the two blue and yellow factions would never be in the same game, so it was okay that their pieces had similar colors and designs. But, with team mode, we suddenly needed a better way to distinguish the pieces. The easy solution was to add screen-printing to them. Thankfully, the performance of this campaign gave us extra room in the budget. 

Not final

Of course, if we were going to screen print the new factions, then it only made sense to do the old factions as well. So, along with the metal coins, we decided to add an additional freebie to everyone’s pledge. Now everyone will be getting a full set of pieces which will replace all wooden ships in the base game with new, screen-printed pieces.

Not final
We have been blown away by how much Kyle’s new designs add to the look of the overall game. Between the new coins and screen-printed ships, we think this is one of the best looking games we’ve ever worked on, and we cannot wait for you all to see the pieces in action. 

So, in short, we’ve been able to follow that time-honored Leder Games tradition of finding new things to add to your pledges without adjusting any prices. I want to emphasize that you do not need to do anything. The deluxe components pack will now contain updated screen-printed pieces that replace all of the wood in the base game (except the comrades, since they are stickered). In addition, all of the wood for the new factions will also be screen-printed. And, best of all perhaps, the screen-printing will be double-sided. This is a first for us, but Ahoy deserved the deluxe treatment!

Treasure and Turmoil
Treasure and Turmoil has completed development! This micro-expansion contains a trove of 13 cards that will surprise even the saltiest sea dog. They can be easily folded into any games of Ahoy, even those featuring only the base factions. At the start of the game, players are given two cards and asked to pick one. Choose wisely though, as they can radically transform your plans! 
Twitch Stream
If any of that sounds interesting you can check it out today on Twitch at 2pm CDT where we will be playing Team Mode with the Treasures and showing off the screen printed wood!

Oath: New Foundations
If you're a fan of our other games check out our latest on Kickstarter which will be launching in a few weeks!

Support Questions
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to write to us at [email protected].  







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