Leder Games
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Ahoy Expansions Complete and Packed! | Card Charging Date: January 31, 2025

Ahoy Expansions are Ready to Set Sail!

Ahoy: Rivals & Renegades and Ahoy: Fang & Fortune are packed up at the factory and preparing for loading/shipping. Soon they'll be on their way to our various warehouse partners, and then on their way to you! Look forward to updates on arrival times in the future. This also means it's time to lock down all our surveys, and charging cards on file for add-ons and shipping costs.

On Friday January 31, 2025, we will be locking all surveys on Backerkit and charging cards on file for add-ons and shipping costs. After this date, you will no longer be able to add or remove items from your pledge without emailing us directly for manual assistance.

Please note that if you already paid for your pledge during the crowdfunding campaign, Backerkit will still need to charge you for your associated shipping costs. Shipping costs will be reflected in your Backerkit account page.

If you can't find your backer email, check here for your info.

Address Lock Down

We will not be locking addresses until we are closer to our fulfillment date, so you will still be able to update and change your addresses on file. We will communicate the planned address lock down date once we are closer to that point and can provide a more solidified timeline. A campaign update will be posted at least two weeks ahead to communicate the address lockdown date, and you will receive a 48-hour automatic notice from Backerkit.

The MPCs are Here!

In the last update we made a flippant joke about the MPCs being delivered by Santa Claus ... and the MPCs arrived on Christmas Eve. Here are some additional photos! If you want to see more componentry, watch the VoD of this month's Studio Chat with Nick.

Boxes for the two expansions, the upgrade pack, and the treasure pack.

The upgrade pack unboxed to reveal the coins, bag, and meeples.

The Rivals and Renegades box showing the rulebook. meeples and some components.

The Fang and Fortune box showing the rulebook. meeples and some components.

Questions or other Support Help?

Please email us at [email protected] for any questions or assistance.






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