Cole Wehrle
about 1 year ago

Project Update: A Fresh Wind and a Fresh TTS Kit!

Ahoy, ye backers!

It’s been all-hands-on-deck here at Leder Games as we take the new factions in Ahoy through their final development pass. I doubt any midshipman has ever had to suffer under a more exacting instructor than Captain Brachmann, and these new factions are ready to go toe-to-toe with any in the core game…or should I say “sail-to-sail?” I don’t know how long I can keep up the nautical talk. 

At any rate, we’re happy to report that we’ve got a big update for you all. Over the past few months, Nick has been working hard  to get the final balance right on all four of the new factions. Each has received a number of gameplay and balance improvements. For my part, I’ll say that I’ve become a particular fan of the Coral Cap Pirates whose pickup-and-deliver puzzles will baffle even lovers of Root’s Keepers in Iron. 

If you’d like to play the game now, you can find the updated module for Tabletop Simulator here.

(We'll also have a print-and-play kit for folks who want to try the game out physically. This should be ready next update once we've gotten a little more art and we have a few more things finalized.)

In addition, Kyle has been chipping away at the art list. We’ve got some exciting surprises on that front we’ll share with you next month, but for now, please enjoy these charming backs for two of the Blackfish Brigade’s cards. 

From here to the end of the project, we’ll likely be providing you with monthly updates relating to the design of the final game, the “Treasures and Turmoil” pack, and any news about the game’s eventual production and fulfillment. 

Support Questions

Finally, as always, if you have any questions, feel free to write to us at [email protected].  






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