Ken Fiskorne
12 days ago

Project Update: PIN PHOTOS! + Fulfillment starting

Good afternoon, bird gang!

So, I sent an email to the GAP factory about potentially doing the upcoming CRITTER CRIMES for me (are you following that campaign yet? you should be!) At the end of a load of detailed, mechanical, technical bullshit, I dropped a "hey, hope stuff is going well on Golden Age."

I didn't expect production photos of our pins! It looks like things are going pretty fast.

Here's some scandalous, half-naked enamel pins, mid production, for everyone to enjoy. Here's our Dutch gunbird and our lutino cockatiels - pre-cheeks!

Don't look quite right yet? You're right. These guys are missing some fills, screenprint, and their shiny gold plating. Don't worry - they'll get there!

I don't know about you, but, the practice of making enamels has always been super cool to me. I'm always shocked how few people, not to mention, creators, actually know how it works... and how they don't always design pins with the process, or the people making them, in mind. Even if they're made in batches, they're a hand-made product, and a damn awesome art form of their own.

Maybe one day I'll do a big comic, or a write-up, about how it works for you guys.

There are some other photos of the male cockatiel pins, some 1.5"s, and the face minis. It's super cool to see, and I am very happy with how well this factory's been communicating with me.

I can't provide an exact estimate of how long pins will take to be finished, and get to me. I am going to assume my 4 to 6 week timeline as posted in the last update, barring any new information loosening or tightening that timeframe.

I got a notification from my sticker guys last night that my Winter 2024 order, including all of GAP's sheets and 3" birdies, was packed up and sent out from their office yesterday. So...

With all that lining up nicely, I am comfortable saying we are going to start fulfillment prep.

Work schedules worked out pretty nicely, and other than taking a fellow protein junkie to Costco to load up on cheap calories, I have this entire weekend free. Skip the jargon of this next section if you aren't interested - but, if you are, this is what that's gonna look like.
  • This weekend, I'll be printing, annotating, and sorting about 200 packing slips. Items will be highlighted by type (2" pin, 1.5" pin, 1" pin, 3" sticker, 4" sticker sheet) and color coded with highlighters.
  • When stickers arrive, either this weekend or early next week, each packing slip will get a kraft envelope. This will contain my business card, a vinyl sticker disclosure card, and any stickers in that GOLDEN AGE PARROTS pledge.
  • Packing slips and stickers will be filed away until pins arrive.
  • When GOLDEN AGE PARROTS pins arrive from the factory, I will recruit 3-4 "lucky" locals to come to my house, marathon the English ghost stories dub, and grade pins. Anything with screen print issues, fill issues, or metal scuffs will be set aside for B-grade sales, and anything that passes the test will be carded, wrapped, and labelled. GAP has a neat little code system, so, the pins can be safely wrapped in kraft paper to protect them from scruffs and other damage.
  • After all pins are graded, I'll buy postage for all US orders. International packages might need to wait, since their postage has to be purchased manually due to customs... and, on a different site, other than BackerKit, because I'm cheap.
  • Finally, we'll dig out the packing slips and stickers, assign them to each shipping label, and bundle up backed and wrapped pins according to each pledge. I will force my local USPS guy to stop parking in front of my house, doomscrolling for 3 hours a night, and take all 200-something envelopes. 
  • Then, they're out to you.
  • A and B-grade GAP pins will then be inventoried and stocked into the KEN'S PIN HUSTLE store...
  • ...and by that time, they'll probably be ready to go to Anthrocon!

I will probably have my hands clean of GAP's mess(es) by AC, so, unfortunately, I am not offering convention pickup. Maybe for CRITTER CRIMES, though!

If you're interested in picking up anything from the store and combining shipping, you can do that in the next 3-4 weeks and specify it in a note - I'll refund the $5 flat for you (or whatever your international fee is).

It feels good to give you guys a terrible wordy update again. I hope at least one of you found it interesting.

I'll hit you up with a sticker unboxing post when those come in. Stay good for the rest of this week, guys. Thanks for sticking around.

...and, yeah, one last time, go follow CRITTER CRIMES. We launch in less than a week. Do it for the gay birds, if you don't want the mugshots. 

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